This space was meant for you.

The equation is simple. You + Me + a blank space = endless possibilities. Whether you’re in a funk, need a creative reset or just feeling inspired to make something cool, this space was meant for you. Bring the clothes on your back, a willingness to shine and I’ll take care of the rest. 

It doesn’t have to be complicated.

Here is how it works: You get one hour in the portal with me (your guide). Our time will pass like a lighting bolt and stretch like a dream. You will bring an outfit or two, maybe three if you’re fancy. Maybe you bring a strange object that feels like it’s supposed to be there too. Before we begin we will do fun and cool and weird exercises to help you feel more present in your body and make it less weird since it will likely be our first time meeting. I will give you plenty of direction. I can’t say it will feel easy but I can say that these pictures will feel like you. It’s magic. It’s special. Don’t believe me? Come and see for yourself. 


ICYWW: FILL THE SPACE is $400. In need of a payment plan? Just ask me!

The average turn around time for photos is 3 weeks. If your need is urgent, let’s chat! I’m happy to accommodate your schedule, additional fees may apply.

Things I DON’T do:

  • Sneak previews during or after the session

  • Alter body size or shape

  • Excessive retouching on skin

Things I DO do:

  • Invite you into presence!

  • Acknowledge what matters.

  • Help you look like you.


(but please first read the fine print)

FILL UP THE SPACE is a 1:1 portrait experience shot in a daylight studio for approximately one hour. No strobes, flash or artificial lighting will be used.

Your payment of $400 is due upfront. The rate is based on one hour with one person. It will cost a little extra if you’d like to extend your time or bring a friend or partner.

You will get a generous bouquet of images in return for the time we are together. There is no limit on what you’ll receive but people typically get 15-30 images. The amount is not reflective of the success of our time but the nature of how we will fill the space. Light retouching is included. 

This is a low-stakes, keep-it-simple and sincere type of container. If you would like to book more time or feel your ideas might expand beyond what I’ve described above, let me know in this form. We can talk about tailoring this experience to fit your needs and or wishes. I love big ideas, small ideas, and medium ideas.

“What if I don’t want to be photographed inside a studio?”

Choose another adventure here.


Just Portraits!